routing re-enabled
[henge/kiak.git] / usage
1 Usage: strapp [OPTION]...
2 Route https connections from a hardware port to a remote host, and initiate
3 peer-to-peer connection with clients. A 'route' is established from the first
4 directory specified in the requested URL.
7 -c, --config=path[:path]...
8 Configuration files to use. Each file in the sequence
9 can override any of the previous file's settings.
10 (/etc/strapp.conf:~/.strapp/strapp.conf:./strapp.conf)
11 - config settings are overridden by command line opts
12 except where noted
13 -j, --client-js=path Path to the client Strapp code (./client.js)
14 -J, --host-js=path Path to the host Strapp code (./host.js)
15 -T, --no-tls=bool Don't use HTTPS and WSS protocols (false)
16 - makes 'ca-cert' and 'ca-key' unnecessary
17 -C, --ca-cert=path Accessible location of the CA Cert (../certs/cert.pem)
18 -K, --ca-key=path Accessible location of the CA Key (../certs/cert.pem)
19 -p, --port=number The local port to bind HTTPS listener to (2443)
20 -i, --index=path File serviced at the root domain (./www/index.html)
23 -b, --bind=[string:path[,string:path]]...
24 Bindings of routes to directories. Any route bound to
25 a path will, instead of distributing the strapp client,
26 service files in that path. Multiple bindings may be
27 established by separating the key:value pairs with ','
28 commas. (www:./www)
29 e.g. Service a typical frontpage
30 -i./html/index.html -b js:./js,html:./html,css:./css
31 e.g. Route-based http hosting
32 -b user1:/home/user1/www,user2:/home/user2/www
33 -e, --electron=string Specify a route name for the local electron render
34 window which will be launched on execution (nil)
35 - enables optional electron dependency
36 -d, --dedicated=string Route all incoming connections to this route (nil)
37 - can be used in conjunction with '-e' for single-user
38 e.g. Set the electron window to use route 'default',
39 Set the dedicated route to 'default'
40 $ node strapp.js -e default -d default
41 - All routes point to 'default' which is bound to
42 the local electron window. No other hosts may
43 be established, so no remote hosts may exist
46 --legacy-socket=bool Use compatibility layer to enable
47 long-polling and AJAX fallbacks (false)
48 - enables optional dependency
50 (c)2017 jk software